Wednesday, May 04, 2011

39 weeks - Giveaway!!!

Today I am happy to announce a "Giveaway" of sorts available to anyone who is facing a terminal pregnancy, or is pregnant with their rainbow or is just plain pregnant.

One of the most treasured things I was given while pregnant with lil' Miss Amelia was a fetal heart Doppler from another baby loss mommy. I could listen to Amelia's heartbeat, at home, anytime I wanted to! It was amazing!

Since discovering I was pregnant with our rainbow, Sam, I have continued to use the monitor whenever I feel uneasy or just need to remind myself, "Yes, this is real and it's going to be OK..."

All that being said, I have been in touch with some amazing folks at BabyBeat who have offered to do a 3 month promotion on Amelia's blog with a 10% discount of Doppler rental and a FREE keepsake CD of your little ones heartbeat. The code to receive this offer is AGL10.
(Your account will be flagged to receive the free CD when you rent the monitor.) Visit their website to redeem your discount and make a recording of your precious baby's heartbeat!

Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions. I would love to help! In fact, I would love to hear from anyone who put this savings to use!

Miss Amelia's Heartbeat

2 My goal is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, 3 in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.   
Colossians 2


Rachel's Mama said...

that is a beautiful sound... I love the kicks you can hear too. I had a baby beat monitor with Rachel and it worked awesome - I'm so glad to have her sweet heart recorded.

Jennifer said...

I so wish that I had a recording of Eli's heartbeat. What a wonderful thing to have.

pennynjon said...

I wish I had recorded Ella's heartbeat too. What a beautiful sound- sweet Amelia's heartbeat:) I wish I had seen this post earlier,too. We just ordered a doppler yesterday.

Amy von Oven said...

You are AMAZING for doing this....I have a video of Bethany's ultrasound and I love it. I will treasure it Forever. GOD BLESS you for doing this for others.....

Megan said...

Oh thank you for sharing this. What a blessing it is that you have this on video... recorded at all! Brought tears to my eyes.

Sweet Amelia!

Unknown said...

How precious to have the sound of her heartbeat to treasure. I think the give-away is amazing!